Heavy Equipment
Titan Worldwide Inc. is pleased to be the North American Master Distributor for the quality line of TimRick forestry products. The difference in quality and performance comes from working directly with contractors and operators in the design of the equipment and focusing on what really matters to the end user, production, reduced downtime and fuel efficiency
Peterson Chipper/ Delimber/ Debarker
Titan Worldwide is your source for Peterson 5000G rebuild services. We also carry an extensive inventory of replacement parts as well as an exchange program for the hydraulic components such as, flail motors, flail pumps, fan pumps, over-hung adaptors, Heco drives and cylinders.
The Peterson 5000G Chipper/ Delimber/ Debarker is the undisputed quality champion in the whole tree processor market. Built to take the real world demands of in-field chipping, the 5000G can achieve bark content of less than 0.3%.